
I earned my B.S. with honors in physics at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Under the guidance of Prof. Jack Harris, I earned my Ph.D. in physics at Yale University, where I performed experiments with superfluid-helium-filled optical cavities, and with magnetically levitated drops of superfluid helium in vacuum. I am now a postdoctoral researcher in the Ultracold Atomic Physics Group in the Department of Physics at the University of California, Berkeley, led by Prof. Dan Stamper-Kurn. I recently wrote a piece for Physics Today about Black underrepresentation in physics, which has been widely read and continues to spark important conversations regarding necessary changes in the physics community. I am also a lead organizer of Black in Physics Week, a week dedicated to celebrating Black physicists and their myriad contributions to the scientific community, but also to revealing a more complete picture of what a physicist looks like. Check out these Nature Physics and Physics Today articles about Black in Physics Week. Learn more about me on Wikipedia.